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08Dec 21

Maths Competition

On 2nd December 2021, four Year 6 children (Adi, Lucy, Sajen, and Sophie) went to QEH for a maths competition. This involved three rounds: maths puzzles, countdown questions and a maths…

08Nov 21

Chemistry Assembly

On Monday, children in Y5&6 watched a Chemistry assembly delivered by Dr Jonny Furze from Bristol University. The assembly explored gases in the atmosphere and included some rather explosive experiments!

13Oct 21

Artist Week – We Are Fashion Designers

In Year 5/6, during Artists’ Week, we looked at the role of fashion designers. We created our own ‘mood boards’ and we created our own clothing designs. We used a…

11Oct 21

World War II Talk

Children in Y5/6 were extremely lucky to be visited by Lucy B's grandfather who came in to talk to us about his experiences of World War II. We found out…

23Sep 21

Cabot and Guppy Maths Lesson

Cabot and Guppy enjoyed a Maths lesson today where they performed scripts with puppets on how to round numbers.  

16Sep 21

Y6 House Captain Elections

Y6 House Captain application letters to Mr Hoye - Monday 20th September Y6 House Captain Elections - Thursday 23rd September House Captain Powerpoint  

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