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07Apr 22

Y5&6 Fundraising Project

Year 5&6 Rainforest Homework Fundraising Project Through our learning about the rainforest, the children in Year 5&6 became exceptionally passionate about keeping the rainforest and it’s wildlife safe. Because of…

28Jan 22

Author Visit

Children in Y5&6 had a visit from author Ewa Jozefcowicz earlier this week. She gave an inspiring presentation about her journey to becoming an author and spoke with the children…

13Jan 22

Bush Tucker Trial

In Year 5/6 we launched our 'Rainforest' topic with a 'Bush Tucker Trial' for the children! They hand to put their hands in a few boxes that had different items…

08Dec 21

Cabot Class Indoor PE Lesson

Storm Barra meant that PE for Cabot class was in the hall this week. They had a go at net-less and bat-less table tennis!

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