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PE activities
Writing at desk
Forest school

Term 6

Welcome back to term 6 – we hope you and your child had a wonderful half term and they are ready for a term of new learning.

During the first week, we will have RSE (relationship and sex education). Please see emails about this for more detail. During the rest of the term, some of our topics will continue. We will continue exploring the ancient Greeks in history and living things and their habitats in Science. We will be discussing the topic, ‘What do people believe about life?’ in our RE and ‘Health and Wellbeing’ in PSHE. Week 6 will be sports week where we will have our annual sports day.

The children will continue to have French lessons every Wednesday morning with Mrs Allenby. On Thursday, they will cover PE and Music or Computing in PPA. They will, therefore, need to wear their PE kit on Thursday each week. They will also have a second PE lesson taught by their class teacher. This will be on a Monday for Guppy, Brunel and Campbell and on a Wednesday for Cabot and Muller. Please refer to the uniform policy as we expect uniforms to be in line with this and children will be told if this is not the case. Children should only wear PE kits on these days above.

In writing this term, we will look at non-chronological reports, recounts, persuasive letters and shifting formality.  In Maths, we will continue to review content from earlier in the year that will support their learning as they progress to the next year. This will cover elements such as, revision of place value, the four operations, fractions and geometry.

Finally, this term, we will also be having a focus on transition activities for the new school year and Year 6’s will be rehearsing for their end of year production – Oliver. A very busy term ahead!

We hope your children have a fantastic term!


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