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30Mar 22

Year 3 News from the Week

While Year 4s have been on camp, Year 3 have been busy learning new Computing skills and created a Google slides presentation inspired by a book, The Perfect Pet by…

25Mar 22

Y3&4 Football Tournament

Written by Theo, Buzz and Oli (Balloons class) On Monday 10 boys from Year 3/4 went to a football tournament at Coombe Dingle run by Clifton High School.  As we…

02Mar 22

Lego We Do

This week children in Year 3/4 have been building and coding their very own robot using Lego We do. They had the choice between building a carousel ride or unicycle…

15Dec 21

Science Morning

Last week Y3&4 had a fun morning with dry ice.  One of our parents came in and ran a session showing what happens when it changes state from a solid…

21Oct 21

Cricketer Visit

Y3&4 were lucky enough to have a visit from one of our parents Tom Smith who plays cricket for Gloucestershire This helped us learn about counties as part of our…

21Jul 21

Year 4 Mojo Active

Year 4 had a very active day on Friday at Mojo Active.  We sadly never made it to PGL however Mojo allowed us to get cool and wet on the…

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