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School playground
Reading session

Term 6

Welcome to the final term of the year, we can’t quite believe how quickly the year is passing! Term 6 is always full of fun and exciting opportunities, including Sports Week and preparing children for the next step in their journey at St John’s.

The focus this term is a Science special with our title named; ‘SOS (Save our Species): Exploring endangered animals and habitats’. The children will work on making observations, researching and classifying animals and plants and think about how environments can pose dangers to living things too. It is our hope that we can offer the children some enriching opportunities to learn this and take their learning with them into the real world.

This learning of living things and habitats will also be celebrated in our English text, ‘Varmints’. The children will explore the picture book and will write for a range of purposes whilst giving an opportunity to share their opinions on the meaning of the text. In Maths, the children will look at interpreting data and position and direction whilst also recapping their knowledge of shape, number and time.

In PE, the children will practise a range of athletics sports and also be taught all manner of racket games. We hope to support the children in mastering their coordination skills and confidence in these sporting activities.

Finally, in Design & Technology, the children will be applying their knowledge of food preparation and cooking techniques to create a vegetable tartlet. Hopefully, the children will bring home something yummy for you to try!



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