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Term 6

Wow, how have we got to T6 already?  This term is always a busy one, lots of exciting things to lookout for on the calendar and bulletin.

During term 6, in History, we will be learning on the life and work of Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. We will be learning all about their lives and why what their contribution to society was so important. Linking this to our English Lessons, we will be doing lots of non-fiction writing and thinking about where Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole sit on our big History timeline.  We will also enjoy a drama workshop on Thursday 20th June.

In Science, we are learning all about the human body. We will explore the different parts of the body, what humans need to do in order to stay healthy, and how different animals can be classified. We will be using our observation skills to see what happens to our body when we exercise.

In D.T, we will be applying our newly learnt scientific knowledge about keeping healthy to design and make our own smoothie. We are all really looking forward to the product tasting part of the lesson!


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