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22May 23

Goslings Teddy Bear Picnic

On 19th May Goslings went on a Teddy Bear Picnic to Redland Park for their class treat. Despite light rain (what's a picnic without a little rain!), Goslings had a lovely…

30Mar 23

Term 4 Week 6

The EYFS children have been learning all about animals this term and in the past two weeks they have become pet experts through having lots of visits from pets.  The…

24Feb 23

Term 4 Week 1 – Belmont Trip

Cygnets and Ducklings had their second 'Be Wild' experience at Belmont Estate where the children spent their day in the fields and forest having the most wonderful time whilst learning…

24Feb 23

Term 4 Week 1 – Pancakes

EYFS have had a ‘flipping’ good time making pancakes to celebrate Shrove Tuesday this week. They all loved helping to make them and enjoyed eating them! They were then inspired…

26Jan 23

EYFS PE – Term 3 / Week 4

The Early Years children have been developing their climbing, balancing and swinging skills using the large apparatus in the hall.  Take a look at some photos of our talented gymnasts…

03Nov 22

Term 2 Week 1

Cygnets & Ducklings had their first 'BE Wild' experience at Belmont Estate this week where they got to explore the forest, eat freshly toasted chestnuts and learn about the Tamworth…

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