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17May 24

Y3&4 Victorian Workshops

Year 3&4 have recently been living like Victorians! As part of their current history topic, the children had the opportunity to experience life as a Victorian child, including playing with…

17Apr 24

Year 4 Camp

Year 4 had a glorious 3 days on their PGL camp.

13Dec 23

Y3&4 Blaise Trip

In Year 3&4, we have been to explore Blaise Castle and Hazel Brook, as part of our 'Wondrous Water' topic. We had a wonderful time, completing some kick sampling, making…

20Jul 23

Roman Day

Y3&4 had a fantastic day with our Roman visitor.  During the day they got to handle lots of artefacts, wear Roman armour, throw javelins through targets and march like a…

19Jul 23

Adventure Day Year 3&4

On Wednesday, 11 July, Year 3&4 had a fantastic time trying out different adventure sports at Clifton College. They enjoyed activities as varied as tennis, shelter building, tricks with hula…

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